Category: /General/
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The whispering sky of constellation calls me... notes resonating with the music of my island Wahini
Ohi'a lehua petals float in a sea of infinite mystery
Galaxies of the night rain down in starry fountains of majesty
Graceful breeze upon her fertile green valleys of serenity
Depth of songful melody echoes across shadows of intimacy
Forever hearts torn between our twin horizon and dreams of soulful immortality
Harmonic convergence of charm and compassion
Hot lava pours from my heart of distant consolation
Magnetic resonance of masculine terrain in seismic eruption
Rivers of Kilahuea flow wildly into her calm ocean tides of white ash pageantry
Orange yellow glow dissipates into waves of blue posterity
A release of steamy emotions evaporate in billowing clouds
of passion and promiscuity
Igneous rock of Polynesian gods bless new land Give rebirth to wild flower fields
Blending in familiar wind the aromatic perfume of Malayan coconut... our palm seedlings yield
Souls cling to ferrous mountain gates and towering spires of sacred NaPali
To grace the cheek of the heavenly divine and inner consciousness
Together we share a moment of life's tapestry
The culmination of nature's fury and artistry
A plethora of intimate allure
Whispering souls cast in moonlight of the Winter solstice
Her touch reigns upon me in tranquility beneath shimmering stars of astrology
We plant our garden of earthly seeds of harmonic destiny
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