Dear little children in Christ
Category: /Message Psychography or Inspiration/
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Dear little children in Christ
I have a missionary commitment to codify Love of Youth,
And to make the jovial attitude useful may be pleasing to the Lord.
To insist upon youth a brotherly, eternal love of peace,
From seeking gratitude to those who care for the young.
Release with smiles amid the buttocks (correct to learn - Do not rape, or beat to death).
Dialogue is another way, but I see that youth are haunted by the love, the embrace, the care of the Merciful Father.
I see youth having a different attitude to the present teachings.
And, I see many parents who are fifty or older become equal, mothers who get involved with their daughters' boyfriend, or in the reversal of values, parents who leave their children for only sexual occasions.
Yes, they want and seek peace,
But they act worse than many animals.
Little children I want to propose that there is Respect,
And that in the conflicts of generation everyone has the first duty to fulfill, and then to ask for certain rights.
Be honest with each other
And, take the Love - Patient of God always to the meetings.
Handwritten and inspired on 3/10/2019.
I offer to my children, my friends, the spiritists, the youth of the Missionary Youth, Totuus tuu, and TLC of the Parish of St. Francis Xavier - Missionary Village - SP - Brazil, Pime https://www.pime.org.br/.
To my professional colleagues, and all parents who have half a century of life.
Where did we go wrong ???
Téka Castro.
Daughter, wife, mother, teacher, writer, environmentalist and spiritualist.
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