5/19/19 It Is Written by Pastor John Bradshaw
Category: /General/
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In California, fire season comes yearly.At least 43 people died in Santa Rosa, CA as a result of the Tubbs Fire.
Many people are asking where were You when the fires and other tragedies or losses happened.
Psalms 34 and 91
Yes, You can be trusted.
I am not good enough to be saved and You saved me because of Your grace and mercy even though I am a sinner.
Matthew 4:4
Jeremiah 33:3
It is Satan who tests and tempts, not You.
We all suffer loss on some level.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
You are right here with us.
Matthew 28:20
You are with us always.
You are carrying us.
You are with those who are suffering.
You are always with us.
Amen, thank You.
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