Catch 22
Category: /General/
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If I shall die before fate decreesDon’t believe a word they say
Don’t lose the courage
To fight for the truth
You may be shamefully ignored
Or treated like a pariah
For having the guts to spar with the establishment
Is it worth the risk?
Yet be careful with what you say
Who you talk to
Consciously aware
They may toss you into a padded room
Inject with chemicals
Turning you into a Zombified shell of former self
A thousand yard gaze peacefully staring
It’s a crying shame that most
Don’t want to be held accountable
For playing the game unfairly
Always a bogy man to create
When we get too close
So why not go down in a blaze of heavenly glory?
Or would you rather keep enabling their sins
Watering down their excuses
An unwitting participant in the coarsening of humanity?
Just another pawn
A hollow symbol of so called independent thought
Caught up in the hype
Blinded by the narrative
As they get away again.
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