

Category: /General/


A summer blonde moon of July arches across ripe papaya fields of festive Luau
Friendly lunar light bends and curves with leeward trades brushing raised eyebrow
Shades of verdant land.. plush like tropic gardens of Kalalau
Streams of golden Maui flow from mountains in the Valley of Iao
Nature's blessing will always endow

A orchard blossoms with blending symphony and arrangement
To dissolve the hardship of life's disillusionment
A lingering fragrance of orchid remembrance
Inertia of wandering footsteps in ancient gardens of Sumeria
Waltz in poetic cadence of a aromatic night of euphoria

Clandestine candles burn bright as we meet this warm July night
Smiles radiate Aloha in waves of enchanting delight
Blonde and gold tassels upon bronze tone flesh and eyes
Shoulder my depth of conscience and attraction in thematic rhymes
Summer moon blonde... dance upon forests of mangoes and limes
Lunar rays of silk dapple between our eager fingertips
Icy comets melt upon thy heart in island ruby lips
A swans fullness of grace upon pleasures of hula hips
Exquisite taste.. sweet dreams of innocence
The galaxy of humanity lives beyond earthly seed
Beyond untouched rings of Saturn and Kauaian air we breathe
The pearls of the sea are our universe to discover intuitively
To write the story of poetic fate and intimacy

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