Category: /General/
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Her warm embrace of eternal soul melts my frosty atmosphere with a scent of lily and lilac
Wafting into my depth of consciousness with the warm trades of the Kona breeze
Subtle grace of shady palms invites the stars to shine in melodic psalm
Songs of radiance, a tranquil calm
Pastel eyes of almond, hair draped long
Like the brush strokes of Salvador Dali across the infinite terrain of my soul
Invitingly surrealistic
Permanent waves of passion invoke a journey beholden to the paths of flaming comets
Across dark sky we ignite and paint the heavens... her touch angelic.
Phosphorus and enigmatic
Monarchs dance with passion.. soft and romantic
A Journey of Soul enchanting and eclectic
The wisdom of the divine will always shine bright
Upon my shy eyes of blue and white
Unravel my heart of tangled knots
Her silver of pearl discovery within my thoughts
Where natural light bends into myriads of rainbows sought
Reflecting in tide pools of my internal yearning beating pulse hard fought
We share a bond of fateful attraction captivatingly intrinsic
In nature's wake submerged under seas of lush gardens... charismatic
Bonds of energy soothing and rhythmic
Internal meanderings of the soul
Inebriant and poetic
Teach the lessons of life of Shaman philosophic
Harmony of nature and humanity unveils the mystery and purpose of our existence in the quintessential stars of her divine spirit
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