False Identity
Category: /General/
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If you aim is to swimIn a sea of mediocrity
From birth to death
It’s your right
And I will respect your wishes
And not stand in your way.
But forgive me for being dismayed
At your lack of fulfilling potential
Would mean a grave disappointment
Not only to me
But to humanity
And as your surround yourself
With the bane of low expectations
And a nest of consistent complainers
Don’t ever say you weren’t warned
For it may seem like a lifetime away
The old age of regret will not be able
To be swept away that easily.
Just because you have gifts to offer
That will transcend the negativity
Of the declining morality
Doesn’t mean you’re better or privileged
For it would be easier
To be enmeshed with the distorted view
Of underachievers fancying
A readymade audience
Hearts bleeding for pretentious overdogs
While falling prey to statistical numbers
And tallest of tales
Without looking beyond the surface
Just because the water appears clear
Doesn’t mean its properties
Aren’t murky
And free of sin.
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