2/12/19 The Basics With Pastor Beth
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In Jeremiah 1:5, You say that You knew us and approved us even before You knitted us into our mothers' wombs.Many people feel rejected.
Satan's plan is always to isolate people.
John 3:16-17
We are blessed, highly favored and deeply loved.
We need to reject rejection.
I am blessed and I am highly favored by You.
You love us.
Jeremiah 31:3
For You so loved the world and You are drawing us with unfailing kindness.
Ephesians 3:20
Many people don't know or believe that You love them.
1 John 4
You first loved us.
You are the Initiator and You started the love.
It's not that I loved You but it is that You loved me even though I am a sinner.
You told me through my mom even as a baby that You loved me.
I have always known that You love me and my mother loves me.
The family loves me and Rick loves me.
You are perfect and I am not perfect.
I am forgiven and I am redeemed, however.
You have paid a mighty high price of Your life and Your blood so that I can live.
You not only love me, Lord, You have also chosen me.
John 15:16
I didn't choose You, Lord, but You chose me.
You picked me first.
You picked me and You loved me first.
1 Corinthians 1:27-28
You have made me somebody even though I am a nobody.
I need to humble myself.
I am a nobody that You have chosen and You have made me someday.
1 Peter 2:9-10
I am Your chosen one.
You are the King of kings.
You are the Lord of lords.
You are the One who matters.
1 Chronicles 4:9-10
Jabez asked that You blessed him indeed and You have answered his prayer.
Jabez's mom named him so because she gave birth to him in sorrow.
The name means sorrow, trouble even though he was not sorrow or trouble.
You gave Jabez Your gift of faith.
You have given him strong faith in You, Lord.
He believed in You, God.
He asked You to enlarge his territory and his influence for You.
He asked that Your hand be with him.
Psalm 5:12
You say that Your favor surrounds us like a shield.
He asked You to keep him from evil so that it would not grieve him.
You have granted him what he had requested.
You have favored him and You have favored me.
You love us so much.
Hebrews 13:5-6
You are my Helper and I am not alone.
Pastor Beth's parents split up at ten and she experienced rejection like many of us.
You are mother and grandma's husband.
You are always with us.
You will never leave nor forsake us.
Amen, thank You.
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