Category: /General/
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Night waves climb the lava cliffs
Moonlight glistens on watery blue
Darkening shadow of palm
Audible texture of the Pacific echo a tranquil calm
Soothing waves engratiate her essence
Carve her name in island song and riffs
Sea of melody
Ballet of orchestral stars
Dance upon tides of the milky way
Whispering fragrance of hibiscus hypnotize
Intimacy of the dark wind sighs
In balmy Hawaiian trades
Angelic voice and soft firefly
Ignite devilish passion in opal eye
Wetness of feminine desire
Touch my cheek... alluring lips... enchanting smile
Fathoms of her soul pulses
Beneath branches of Banyan
Vastness of Waimea canyon
My beating chest convulses
Impressions of aloha
Engrave her initials
We share the night waves of lifes journey
Through darkening shadows of infinite energy
Captured in the hour glass of time and creativity
We share the beauty and mysticism of lost love
In cosmic rays of the galaxy
Night waves of aloha caress my memory
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