12/18/18 Pastor Osteen's Separated for the Better
Category: /General/
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I need to cooperate.I need to stay in peace.
You love me too much to leave me alone.
You know how to put me where I am supposed to be.
I need to work with You and let situations change me.
Judges 6
You are trying to separate me from what's limiting me.
My disorganization is one thing that limits me.
My limited transportation is another thing that limits me.
You are preparing me for the fullness of my destiny.
1 Chronicles 13
The threshing place is a place of separation and preparation.
1 Chronicles 15
Being alone can help me draw close to You.
You know what You are doing.
You are cutting me back so that I can bear much fruit.
You are pruning me so that I can bloom.
Amen, thank You.
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