
Six Eight Twelve!

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The "Hut", is an interesting feature…it's greatest still untold but for the few who are a bit more dedicated to the greatness of the Elders. To most it would seem a stone dwelling place, to the scholarly
It is a very special scientific tool to find the length of day. Best used at the Winter equinox it appears what is not known is the twelve foot distance from and center making a triangle back toward it. The rest is lines dividing it and a watch as it is centered at the Sun at just the right time toward Noon at the High Winter Equinox, I'm pretty sure. What makes you think such a thing? Well it is the letters and time of which you see them the most important time would be chosen and where for a September time. But the letters suggest winter equinox partner fellow "H" after a great meeting "U" that of meetings winter equinox best of the southern Cross seen then "T". Now sight the Sun at any Noon, but for certain there as the other four seasons will and would and were checked. At each segment of the line degree known as the sun move drop stones after the sighting pass by a mantra count move to the next line segment and start again the mantra count…continuing till the Sun past the roof. If one do it several times to get an average and the same with the other season equinoxes you have a pretty good idea of the time of the length of day as well rough orbital speed. Th angular lengths most popular would be Six which would be the distance of the uprights eight for the height of the wall lengths and twelve for the Roof. After that one can be pretty sure of length of day total as well how the galaxy really works Planets around the Sun…they would have chose other objects and only chaos would be of results. With it you can conquer the solar system for certain. Now that is interesting

By Michael Pinger "Yaw!" 4/14/18

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