
An Interesting on Posture and Part!

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Posture and Part!

Both words are important to being. The Holy being is built on both words in fact both words represent a time when the Canopy was fixed or at least one Posture. The Canopy considered an area of nations well to ritual being: Math, social study, letter Logic as well heaven, through calendar part other could expand on at Mars, firm at Mars, Neptune or Jupiter. Posture does not restrict movement other than by providing school and encouragement for they who study and exercise to address it fully. Part is rather easy Japathian brother word to Post, Math even cousin to Faith it holds measure with acts of addressing a path and post through environment Day week month and year. Part is rather caught up in Meter ways when only a Ten month year with southern Cross concern for ritual length. So it goes the distance down that road of study or encouragement too. In fact to address the word Part proper one need be of study and act movement mentally and physically in fashion of such elders they had a Mars as a heavenly post.
Posture then when it was brought forth stands to express work in progress enough to say that it is proper and allows for life in being responsibly. It leads to address of age and longer lengths while encouraging one not to give up basic study and advancement with check of social being.
To be a proper part one need spend some time on addressing the words brothers and cousins getting schooled on subjects such as Math and letter Logic and fitness to rise to a heavenly body to relatives and areas standing in responsible posture to which mankind is living they of the planet Earth with ritual fix and what views and converse exercise needed at Mars so they without touching can be about what by Math and social follow of letter Logic with Math know and practice. Then you are what the word Wise looks for in regards to his younger partner Smart able to carry ones just being about the planets throughout ones life with Month and Year mortals day left to toil and work; matters which do not concern part other than mortal, much at all.

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