

Category: /General/

When you take a walk in nature…you discover wonderful creations
And you realize perfection is in constant transformation.

Take today for instance…everywhere we walked we could feel a connection.
You might say this morning’s walk was one of sheer perfection.

The sun was peeking from behind the clouds…the clouds scattering to make room…
The birds were singing back and forth…the azaleas in bloom

A tiny tree frog crossed our path…heading only he knows where.
A cool breeze wafted through the trees…the smell of jasmine in the air.

When we reached the water we looked up…the ospreys high above us soared
An old man walking all alone…drawing hearts upon the shore.

Fiddler crabs scurrying speedily back into their little caves
Mullets jumping out of the water where the ripples meet the waves.

Egrets and Ibises using their beaks as if they were their hands
searching for their breakfast…in the water…on the land.

As we headed home I spotted a rose and gently bent to smell it…
I would mention the bougainvillea…but I don’t now how to spell it!

Just before reaching our house…a ladybug, on my shoulder…stopped to play…
It was a perfect beginning…to another perfect day.

Yes, we never know when we step out…what wonders will awake…
Which is why we look forward to tomorrow…
to see what form perfection takes.

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