
There will be a Test!

Category: /Blog/Importance/Godly/American/
Well The Test Be!

Well Test Month and Day for some true to the God being.
September saying keep the "E" prove your enforcing where
needed where needed practice and exercise it where needed
That a meek can be about you as well God not Idiots not
overcome you like a bad Goat may.

It will be hard for some to explain where the "E and G" are in
many words as Lovejoy and the Lord with Father to become
formed and held for Elder say The "E, L, D, E and R" of ones
doing Evil including the Pearl and Pinger if it be the case.

The Government and lower religions as well as Higher have
had notice of some molesting doing odd with Eye's, Month
and worry about "Y" in May for Year sake and an Adult, Mature
crowd of management and God many have been made aware
of how the "G" is formed and held with Maker concern and Season.
With a Goat to overcome or it overcomes you with out keeping
the Bed clear and attentions to Heavens Mars at least for leadership
Encouraged.  The likes of ones engulfing and becoming Spheres
as well instead of rising cleanly to heavens school above for American
Of us of which it apply. Maybe next year for some just starting to
become aware of tools our Language and God with Lord proper
protects and Guides a Government and a personal self amongst
the People justly.

For the "Queeen"  of it or to let the River of Life flow rightfully
AS a first letter "E" is they fit with only a few left to yet to
come and achieve as far as words goes. In the second spot
it means something to achieve and maintain with mature
adult intentions,  and as heart letter three it is handed down
and followed to gain a sacred heart or to Maintain and gauges
and guard a lawful heart throughout ones days years and ages.

The Feet are lower parts of Hemisphere for the Geo groups
And Elders in heavens above keeping main seat and modes
of their beings realms and rights in set bounds of the Canopy
time of which one hopes heals of Afganistan and Taliban,

May Mercy be!

By Michael Pinger Yaw 9/9/2021

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