
Buddha had trouble with a Rat for the Grain bin too!

Category: /Evil/Muni/Rats/Germany/God/
Dear News Entertainer: This is Michael Pinger at . I know some are haveing a hard time understanding the Rope Dr. Hubbard is talking about Rope was of ritual leght back then same letters that Time has a Pope for the heart letter and October for letter to be rightful to October through May for lives breath. I know yolu would have writen books on getting yours fit to above and Month the Moon and Mars instead of worrying about the Mortal brains so much and Body mortal you would have said how important you don't stay and play with odd Music or Muni's Mistake defiling the Brahma at Nebuchhadnazzer Time if you could and how much we were supposed to be getting our Country ready for Iran Mans alter until because you knew that this is what ended the cerimony at his time the Mongols and Hindu argueing about Brahma before them of which they chiseled the Football and ended the cerimony because Muni spoiled the Adams support and they were already dubed the Evil one! And are the Evil ones in the Bible that Jesus spoke of not to bring down to Israel. I know you would have done it so if you had known! Because some are using the TV falsely while trying to be an Evil one sad thing to get caught up in at the end of forty thousand years and time to Face Iran or Iraq again of the Nations. So the Hindu picture with them true to God can sit with foot in their Bung hole as tyhe Hindu know it now they will have to paint a new picture of a leg and foot dangling. And everyone will have to coff up a penny for the Italian so they can Pay Lucifer to remove a rats nest there, may the Germans pay their fair share! . I'm praying for you I know yours were there! Ten thousand the ritual length for the "T" and mature crowd Godly. .

Dear Sirs of Holy Concern:Authority, Presidents Prayer team Rabbi Bishop: This is Michael Pinger at . past my family played on and things like the birthing Dr. saying to my mother hope this ones does it...Makes her happy and half of St. Tims going bannan's on me because I didn't listen when adult and bought a motor cycle or did other things fine in society and life...who the hell are they useing that and my family to abuse me. My folks left to above I ended realtions as a neighbor worked me over priests and pastors I say prayers each day and so do such ones but their part other comes to our area and does such ill things I got a school bell projected at me from what Fans of Alice Cooper or of a time when I studied and was praying Rosary when a swami Dante came defiling through the sand and zipped up past saying looks like someone is ringing your bell. I turned and thought what a dumb ass he couldn't have been there or cared about what went on there and thought to myself ya it wasn't you liable and it wouldn't do any good if you were now I can't count on you and probably will have to warn the Hindu's and everyone else if this does not stop...A few years later after I had completed a seven year fast and it hadn't I wrote the United Ntions and Presidents priests and rabbi about the problem Iraq and figured I got Iran through the United Nations and Butros butros Ghauli and kept up with Israel and our own Government.

Pray and Prayer with this stack must be proper for the Nation to be fit. All the last letters of that stack of three letter words has to be properly addressed by the Mortals and Angels or part other than mortal to say your worthy of Mans blessings. Any sane person or being would want their parts if any nation other than Iran or Iraq to be working towards that first requirment. Or leave to heavens space and keep yur family safe until theiir Nation becomes fit or their is something worng with the Part other and then if notified the Government and religions have to stop it and such ill minded ones left to do such things. So the ones defiling are only proveing to all notified that something is wrong with them. And why I filed Complaints Who is my dad who is Lovejoy in fact who is Brom after this ....didn't they honor one prayer during their life who is Jim Pinger or me for that matter. I know who I am and said prayers say prayers each day most of my family does and it is to God in heaven most churches do even though I am defiled by Priests Catholic and Christian but who are they after all is siad and done. When heavens above the Bowl the important one is at the Moon and why the part other isn't supposed to be playing around. It is all in space after that.

Who the hell are the XXXX I prayed and suffered their defiling and molesting and prayed they stop it over a thousand rosary's said in my back yard for forgiveness and hope that they stop any fool would have stopped and went his way to family in heavens above. who the hell are they after all the years or any of the others.

Well still being bothered by the sickoo's that don't honor prayer...the ones perverted that spyed on me while I studied. One of them I hope he wised up and left after I read a phrase that went something like this So everything is done in One place. This makes sense if you are sane and of study as I was a bible full read once already, back then I would say a Rosary at least once a day. That meant where God had his main church that is Iraq and Iran Baghdad for God and Church and Calendar and Iran for Nation mans church the basics the Lunar and Solar done. That started the Ten Thousand for sun and Day church at Iraq Baghdad and ended at Mans church Iran that is the hand on the wheel God's hand the Makers servent Vesnu and that picture of a dude with his hand on the wheel represents Iran and Baghdad cause by the end of Vesnu's time a servent of the Maker they had that much done and switched to God that was after and in part of the Hindu work because they were just starting and usage was short on God

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