
Childish to the word Mind!

Category: /Word/Definition/Mind/

How Mind stressing the ones that defile. It is bad enough
when a mortal being defiles. It is twice as bad and only
gets worse, when it is neglected, by a person or a society.

The word, "Mind", more or less says turns out to be
somewhat of a question. It is created with a digital on and
of switch that fits the word, "Light" in meaning full for
Duty sake the Doing and Day. A, Yes it is or No, it isn't a part
of the In and Out of the word Pulsar star and Older part with
Maker being of Noah the Noah Being.

It askes with the "N" as heart letter and fullest duty of the
letter "N" which fits the Empire and what the Empire real
and Holy guides. It sets Protocol for the being of mankind
on this planet.

So the word Mind states or asks, "Are you sane this Day and
Age with an extension word Moment with respects to Morning
and movement of the being. To Manage throughout your Day's
in the Light of the Noah being proper?". It is like a coming of Age
prayer and vow to try and make certain at least if nothing else
that an individual stay this fit in being.

More To come! This is enough for the Honest that may have
lucid parts knocking on doors, so the regain a bit of sanity to
even knock on my mortal door…when heavens above is most
Important for them to achieve.


Childish Part Two

Thursday, April 15, 2021
1:09 PM

With that being said about the Juicy part of the word
"MIND" and with consideration to being a Sane part
In living with respects to the word "MIND". Ones being
so ill in address to holding the meaning and their part of
Being with acting responsible to it at this Time in being
causes sadness and disheartenment tome personally.

Their disregard for Heaven and other words they were
to be proper about like Deity by word skill and definition
through Language that help support an act of which they
should be apart of by adulthood for Day, Duty and Doings
sake with the word Mind is upsetting. For a Mortal to speak
the word Mind is to remind anything of importance about
the Question the word ask if it does and the word Mind
most certainly does.

The word supports the whole being from most ancient times
Noah's church of which the Maker upheld and God as well with
his church and Man. It supports when everyone, because there
was only a few living beings were. Beings that held the Planets
Above as deity for a time as they lived and prayed and formed
words and ways of life and living. When they would pray and
offer and expect of their part other to act responsibly toward
the duty at hand, finding out about heaven and beings of the
heavens above. A time when their part other would go find and
settle the best they could with ritual ways and the seasons with
sight of stars before them at such planets like Mars as heart concern
through the Moon and watch throughout the Seasons. Neptune and
Jupiter were still undefined until divine ways and fitness of their
mortal being with part other was assured by a priest that used the
Pulsar star as a time piece. It was common of the people to live work
and study while living to live this way and after they past they would
rise to were the tribe had concentrated their efforts in understanding
the heavens and environment of which they were living. Which leaves
the ones that have no respect for the word, Mind a disheartening matter
to contend with at this time day and age of the living Noah being.

It is sad to suffer bad of unlearned demons with odd ways and lack of respect
To the Face of God to follow and show respects to and about for the Future
of mankind's sake. One should want his entire being at the end of his life to
be at least 65 % to the Good of the God and Noah being. It is sad when a part
that should only want to be in heavens space and proving it self to the Elders
for another word all of them fit to a time when the "N" is complete and all
worship the God being with Empire the word, Meek and Noah being filled
out complete, isn't about that at all nor supplying a place in the heavens for
it's Mortal name and part. I pray mine go and master what is proper for them
at this time with respects to the Future and what God would expect of us at
this time, with others sane and proper to the same ends of mankind God and
the Noah being. You are supposed to be Adults and beyond that by now and
well to your part and my prayers and not in the way being childish.

By MPY Mictopyci Michael Pinger Yaw! 4/15/21

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