
Crisis due to a unicellular universe

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Crisis due to a unicellular universe

In the midst of so many threats from the world economy, a small modified being emerges from the east, reminding me of the Chicago series from Universal Pictures, where a chemist due to lack of money, funds, brings up and modified a bacterium that eats meat : Staphylococcus aureus ( http://www.anvisa.gov.br/servicosaude/controle/rede_rm/cursos/rm_controle/opas_web/modulo3/gramp_staphylo.htm ), which often cause diseases such as https://brasilescola.uol. com.br/doencas/fasciite-necrosante-doenca-bacteria-comedora-carne.htm that passed in the three series Fire, PD and Med of Chicago.
Soon after these fictional episodes, the Corona Virus issue came up ( https://panoramafarmaceutico.com.br/2020/02/12/por-que-o-coronavirus-agora-se-chama-covid-19-e -as-these-names-are-created / ) and that like most parasites, if opportune for the health and well-being of other beings, especially us humans.
It may seem like fiction, by a writer, much more poet, than anything else, but lately, the world is turned more towards the microcosmic universe than the macro universe, it is turned more towards the microscope lens than the fall of an asteroid , that is, a telescope ( https://www.google.com/search?q=diferen%C3%A7as+ent++telesc%C3%B3pio+e+microsc%C3%B3pio&oq=diferen%C3%A7as+ent+ Telesc% C3% B3pio + & aqs = chrome.2.69i57j0l7.14452j1j7 & sourceid = chrome & ie = UTF-8 ), where we can see the stars.
Anyway, with the discovery of such a corona virus, one of the scientists I admire as Mr. Adilson Mikami, who has the following blog https://mikamienvironmentalblog.blogspot.com/2020/03/editorial-nossa-opiniao-editorial-our_8.html or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/adilson.mikami I'm not mistaken, it was a friend named Vânia who introduced me to it. And, this scientist who has worked at NASA, and is an environmentalist, thank God, Brazilian ( https://www.google.com/search?q=Quem+%C3%A9+Adilson+MIkami&oq=quem+%C3% A9 + Adilson + & aqs = chrome.0.69i59j69i57j0l6.6839j0j7 & sourceid = chrome & ie = UTF-8 ), where you can get more information about the environment and others.
But, returning to talk about the corona virus, where many govenants, Brazilians or not, think it is hysteria, something diabolical, something that just needs to be prayed, prayed, that will not be transmitted, but beware, this virus can kill, or better , eliminate, exterminate, decimate the population of Earth, as in the case of the Black Death, the question of epidemics in Rio de Janeiro, where the sanitary doctor wanted to vaccinate the population, and many rebelled against Oswaldo Cruz's vaccines, especially against smallpox. (
https://www.google.com/search?biw=1600&bih=876&sxsrf=ALeKk00KxdHcrO7XcfSmAB7E5IIO4Th_Dg%3A1584543051343&ei=SzVyXqnWFIKy5OUP56CmaA&q=oswaldo+cruz+mq++ + m% C3% A9doctor + sanitary + and + the + revolt + of + vaccines & gs_l = psy-ab.3 ... 6264.14459..15504 ... 0.0..0.266.4398.0j22j4 ...... 0 .. ..1..gws-wiz ....... 35i39j0i333j0i22i30j33i160.oh7_NymULMU & ved = 0ahUKEwjpp9PtoqToAhUCGbkGHWeQCQ0Q4dUDCAs & uact = 5 ), so people do not have the need to stay hysterical, lose themselves as doctors, lose themselves if I have a risk like my mother, who has diabetes, hypertension, some people I love, and who have cancer, my godmother, Aunt Joaquina, who is already very old, and who now, if I haven't been to visit her until today, now wait, my cousins, brother-in-law, smokers, that I keep thinking, and as a friend said, myself, that I don't have much organic resistance there, but whatever God wants, I've been through so much at...
Yes, my dear readers, commentators, the corona is there, I even read something of Nostradamus' prophecy ( https://www.google.com/search?q=profecia+nostradamus&oq=profecia+nostradamus&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.12719j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
) , just as they do not believe in witches, they are out there.
I know that from here you can take advantage, although, I tend to speak in the most dialectical way possible, the way is to take care, but without storing food, soaps, others, think about the world issue, and here at the end of this prose , I thank you my reader, my parents, teachers in particular: Dionízio, sciences of the fifth grade ( https://www.saopauloaqui.com.br/1/5433/emef/emef-deputado-joao-sussumu-hirata. html ) and Ricardo. My teachers at EE Professor Alberto Conte, and at UNIB, where I did chemistry (1986 - 1990). I thank God, who led me in this universe of letters, and all my pastors, whether from the Catholic Church, as in my spirituality, like Aunt Eunice, Rosa Chaves, Master Carlos Carmello Ozório Pudles, In memoriam Frei Albino Aresi, and Father Sandro, and so many other people, who helped me to grow in faith, and in my spirituality, today I am still grateful, my friend Helper, former student, of EE Professor Amélia Moncon Ramponi, friend Luciana Araújo, my sister, to Dr. . Carlos Alberto Rey.
And, to each member of my family, here in Brazil, in Portugal, in the United States, in Germany, and finally, to my students, children, and you.
São Paulo, March 18, 2020.
I dedicate in memoriam to those who recently died of COVID-19, to health professionals, especially from Posto and Ama da Vila Missionária, to my fellow teachers, Fabiana de Jesus C0-sister-in-law), Luis Felipe, my nephew, as they are great nurses , I also remembered Dona Antonia and Andrea, who spent almost half a year with my Gabi in 2001 for Home Care.
Anyway, that's it.
God protect us, and may Our Lady take the lead, exterminating this virus.
A "logic" occurred to me now, if spiritually, we returned from the crusades, it was in the crusades, that there were great pests. Spiritualists think about it.

Tereza Cristina Gonçalves Mendes Castro, writer, teacher readapted for functional dysphonia, from the Chemistry Discipline.

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