

Category: /General/


The world of Me forgot
And, remember in difficult times,
In the darkest moments,
That I am the Light of the world.
The filthy time in which the Earth relives,
But, I made an Alliance,
And, I remember it when looking at the Rainbow.
And, the man of Me,
Remember, when death comes,
When pain invades you to the core,
And yet,
Many use Me,
To take from the poor faithful,
The little of the material good
Constituted with sweat.
I am Love, I am Peace,
And, Lord of Life.
Don't you remember what my son taught?
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God, what is God's."
But, people don't understand anymore,
And, pastors of all religions,
They steal from the little ones,
They reap lives constantly,
And, they still say that I am happy with the earthly barbarians.
Doesn't it know how far the humans who created My Likeness have reached?
It was enough brother against brother, Cain and Abel,
It was enough that I flooded the Earth,
And, Noah saved more animals than men,
That only your family lived here, we arrived.
Yes. The Alliance again,
But, for the investigation now,
Man does it on his own,
Disappoint Faith,
The beauty of being what is at the heart,
And it hurts the masterpiece: Nature.
It destroys flora, fauna, the glacier,
Destroys for years companion,
And, they still don't believe me.
Everyone is in my plans,
The free will of life.
And yet,
I see people suffering,
To be nailed to the cross again as my firstborn:
Jesus Christ.
They no longer remember Footprints in the Sand,
Or hold my hands,
Want to get drunk from the toxic,
And, they make mistakes.
And, I in the occasional moments of regret and pain,
I come to the aid,
I intervene with a lot of Love.

Handwritten on August 24, 2020.


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