
Dealing with Pearls by Name!

Category: /Blog/Note/Identity/
Pee Stain!

Add is with Do and Did with Pal, Dog for What and Done all for worth and value.
Self fits Day and Duty, Post and Name which leads to parts important to Above.
Past and Pest have reference to place Prayer Proving profit Sort fits Day and Moon.

These would be words of address to be concerned about being correct to your
offered prayer. It is well for a mortal to be fit and offer in accordance to prevent
They caught by urine and easy living about lazy in addressing posture or in a
Pee stain. Childishness in address even to Pea letting some demon forced in
energy pivot for any extended period of time…is unkind to the Seen and Look
System. The "IE" and "EA" and "IC" are all judged there and for Self sake one is
supposed to be, at least, that fit in being a being.

The "IC or CI" works with Sick and Time and considers what is mans mortals duty
and what bound the other part was supposed to be fit about. This so with worship
and rightful in being with self being respected the path be clear to the heavens above.
And rightful respects for school to be kept in the heavens that was the other parts
duty and job to complete.

Why all the double talk why all the filthy playing around with demons in energy in
the ground making threatening gestures towards mortal man should not be going on
Such ones that have a problem with leaving mortal mankind alone and getting to post
and duty above helping ancestors that are representatives of this Nation and its growth
to be apart of the God being…proper is the only real value in being. And the only one to
live out for both parts man mortal and part other with a heavenly post to keep…above
the antics of the apparent Slob ones with odd personality posture and address to life
and being a shame to all!

By Mictopyci Michael PingerYaw! 10/16/19

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