
Words that help support the days!

Category: /Week/Word/Days/

Tuesday, March 5, 2019
11:24 AM

Tuesday a day when mortals are generally toiling for their living,
the best, start their day with a prayer, reminding their spiritual being
that they have a job to get too; which, is study to provide a heavenly place.

A prayer or pledge to ones nation, for family sake, to be able to survive
Is a fair way for some. It allows at least; they are ready to follow in good faith,
it help groom ones character. This all good to remove stubborn animal instincts.

The key word is Stubborn; which, allows one reason, through the "U", to study
Assembly decisions. It allows, one to overcome and categorize; once, it is realized
as a problem, situation or character of in bread things a person grows with of history.

One is Busted when he comes to a decision making moment in his life, he must wage
an inner war within himself…test his spine of being; deciding, on a character to end with
that will represent him throughout time. He clearing himself as a non believer in a heaven.

This is of a well groomed people, living in a world with Laws helping remind, regulate
as well as, restrict, mortals actions and behaviors. The sad mixture of some betraying
Stubborn, by not taking the time; becoming, an ominous form to be Busted is a Waste.

By MMPY 3/5/19

Peace with ones, with part other, doing their work
they are getting clear of the waste of Stubborn and Busted.

So that is why some say Life stinks!


Wednesday, March 6, 2019
11:46 AM

Wednesday is a nice day to sit down and arrange priority's, for one self and for others against the God being. The third heart letter is a "D" which says, of what one has mastered what need be accomplished. It is the fourth letter which means it can take a three or give to a five depending on the situation. The fourth letter in Wednesday is an "N" a gate letter symbol for basic ways the Sun church with Moon and Mars. It is a nice day to think about how cheap one is being to the God being as a mortal or of the part other.

With the "W" a symbol for figuring it asks one to think about your family need and name with duty applied to it. It asks one to think about ones Nation to think about what it is doing as well faith. Is your religion legal is it in line or moving toward what Iran with mans alter in ways that it would find you satisfactory or is something or one leading you away from what was founded at Baghdad with the world and Christ being providing a time limit and length of time for an attornment by such a house as Iran. It is a sum and total letter that says figure out the median and average. So you know if you are correct or should go meet with heads of Organizations to see why they are drifting away and putting all in pearl or let them know if you know of something causing grief and a false way.

Or as for oneself it is a time to see if your prayers are in proper order in that your Angelic parts are doing fine above in heaven…that they are rising and staying free of mortals common doings getting and education to be with ancestors above and God proper. It is a time to work on finding out who is being the wrong kind of cheap to the God being if it be mortal or a part other doing tricks ruining all of what your nation has to offer. It is a time to offer in study if bad be going on some renegade trying to do tricks in the energy of math for average and median then, perhaps better ones own prayer or at least allow them to fleet and stay in heaven school above if bad become to great. It is a time to see if your being is in time with the God being and your nation safe in God's eye's. Or is it going down the path unchecking of the God being and trampling out the last "E" in the word by going on unchecked from the path God wanted all Nations to walk.

By MMPY 3/6/19


Thursday, March 7, 2019
10:24 AM

Thursday is a day that wants one to think about social values. It is a day to reflect on ones social being
check ones personal skill in understanding Social values be it for mortal or part other tending toward the heavens. It is a good time to work on social skills, of what is needed to survive, like math, language ones posture in society. The "T" starts the word which is known not only for being a spine to gauge ability to endure be it personal or for part other in their environment. By ritual length it has a value of two thousand years times two for a total of four thousand years. As a unit of time for social with the "L" which is a Length usually or reference, to acts that happen during ones venture down a length.

Thursday is a word and day of the week that lends itself well for time of contemplation, of where you are going in life. It lets you with the word social or encourages one to reflect on past actions in that one can venture into the future more respectfully, through reflection on personal social skills. The "C" in social fits the "U" for assembly, it the "C" is a symbol for future matters or parts set off.

Thursday with the word social is designed; uniquely, enough for those who take the time to groom their own being. As well to remind social organizations of moral obligations, to Day, Month, Year for sake of the God being with ritual times and a heaven. It helps make beings fit to manage an assembly proper in space as Angels or as mortals by encouraging scientific method, with the "R" after the "U" in third place. It encourage sum and total for median and average, math skills are needed. Such basic skills are encouraged from Monday to Sunday by way of the "N" which encouraged ancient tribes to learn and raise their children on basic skills.

It allow one to understand through study of the common day with Morning, noon and evening, All common acts that take math and are universal to what the part other than mortal need to come to be fit to manage with a Calendar. So they can keep time use the heavens as we use it and see similar things at heavenly houses, such as the Moon; but, for more like planets Mars, Neptune or Jupiter. A social Thursday, when fit to it, is a Time saver, when it comes to length and planning a venture. One must study basic skills to enjoy such a strength for a sound heavenly being. As well to have a sound mortal being fit to deal with others, in ventures like form a Government, a Church. But one must realize the value in it and use it proper to gain the help the calendar allows, through week and names of the days.

By MMPY 3/7/19

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