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Every being is capable of somehow learning and teaching others.
We have the full question, based, since my childhood that education is for everyone. Men, women, white children, black children, brown children, indigenous people, better, simply human beings.
So, we sin by discarding some
facts, speaking of human beings with some special needs, and that many times, we ignore, for vanity, for stupidity, and ourselves when we go becoming people with more age, we perceive difficulties when we get into a bus, even when we talk on the phone, that is, due to the coming years, we also become special. See a little of the history of special people in Brazil, by the link: http://dspace.bc.uepb.edu.br/jspui/bitstream/123456789/5051/1/PDF%20-%20Maric%C3%A9lia%20Tom%C3%A1z%20de%20Souto.pdf
We know that in some cultures before, special people were killed, left out of society, and there are still in the twenty-first century, people who kill babies who think they will not be perfect.
But, the facts are changing and thank God for better, people are evolving and since the world is world, we have people with physical or intellectual disabilities, either attention deficit disorders, or Down, or even the loss of movement in wars, urban and political, we must then evolve, include, study with patience about inclusion.
I remember that in 2000, when my Gabriel (in memoriam) went through a catheterization, he became more special, he did not walk, ate by nasogastric tube, or gastrostomy, and without seeing. He spent some time in hospitals and I or my mother accompanied him, I saw young people with cystic fibrosis, I saw children who had never left the ICU of a hospital since birth.
Anyway, I saw and observed a lot, and besides being a mother, as an educator, I realized that we have to look for studying about inclusion, because everyone can have a fact that can cause a disability, we have to include and know how to include in all courses, whether from common schools or private.
And many times, within some activities developed by Opus Dei, such as Ceap, on the contrary, excludes students and families from their courses, is a place that you learn well, but when the issue of intellectuality and learning, there must be only perfect. Others cannot participate, and not to mention, that if parents have separated, or cannot go to the formation of parents, also do not enter the environment of Robotics, Administration, Technology, that is painful, I have lived it in the skin.
I'm sorry to get this off my chest, but I know that CEAP was not made to include, but to lead some people, or rather some children and family.
Now, I who have lived the story mentioned twice, my world is in search of an inclusive education, of an education with a broad teaching and above all, that we seek a way to change the world.
Inclusion can be studied online at the website: https://portasabertasparainclusao.org especially for Physical Education teachers, we have the Mara Gabrilli Institute, and so many other wonderful projects, such as the New Project, and people who fight for inclusion issues in schools, such as Maria Dolores Fortes (glass bones), AACD, and the SBT project - in partnership with AACD - Teleton, APAE, and many others.
It is worth remembering that we have to have an Inclusive Education formation in all places, and remember that we are not perfect.
All of us have our deficiencies, some are perfectionists, others are selfish people, others have the pleasure of speaking ill of each other, finally, all the possible and imaginable deficiencies.
We have to take into account all kinds of inclusion and facilitate our communication in every place we are, living for a more just and inclusive world.

Teka Castro, mother, teacher, writer, daughter, and citizen.
São Paulo, May 22, 2019.
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