
Personal encoruagment is allowed!

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Yaw beware and to your above. May Others. Do keep focus on self the part above and points that should be met. You have to meet goals as mankind was supposed to as well their other parts as a Nation. That is the personality the “R” to keep a good median of personal pride as a group with a figure head to school from and about it sits well upon the “W” which is parts above holding way and rest. You always have the calendar to study and be fit about to counsel on behalf of the Noah being. That is being the child knowing part above to get to leaving behind cleanly keeping basic bonds and agreements learning to clear allowing room for others. Then onto Adulthood with the “U” as in Vaupra Yaw system of ours, skill to hold office, keep differences, proper to act and exist responsibly. Others should for ancestor with unity to being and life. Of which you become a master of being and mature while keeping the gourd in the garden proper through Day arranging letters and for bowl AyD the A the seed with “V” of “Y” fruit and vine to the bowl the “D” or “C.” You have to keep your parts above proper and let mortal man tend his matters you keeping your garden above as a group with school class and study organized away from these being radical. The spirit is knowledge it has to be learned and practiced that is what it means by the “S” at the start the “P” allows range and distance through imply with the “I” as heart letter being responsible to understood ways of man who know and hold ways of the elders and southern cross the “T” it has to be studied and practiced. Doing it proper and with grace is the personality to maintain that way the “I” fits in the word making it strong. You have to make certain you can break away and hope the ones being a bag and glob in energy molesting all stop and go help their ancestors proper and in rightful form natural.

By Michael Pinger “Yaw!” 7/17/17

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