
The ill's of the babyboomer the demon waste haunting!

Category: /Witness/Society/
Well the demented that betrayed their mortal parts and basic being dove and started being smart asses in energy are a sick painful bunch again today. They screwed around so long that they have become quit a large dynamic glob full of lost mentalities. The large creature they became in the ground rises up a large monster of bits with the thug mentality making odd blue gigantic gestures trespassing on all with energy levels insane for nature and natural just being to exist. A great dynamic glob failure by country hay seeds thuggish of a society and bunch hating growing up with nothing but war before then on the TV. Their inner minds set stained to cringing and existing like a wash rag never cleaned hanging rancid as entertainment fulled the stage and the suicidal teaching fading and fanning breeze to gain wealth to preform drumming such existence of such a rag and it's spawn a mortal shabby dressed with piss pants clutching his gentile area. Standing like a bad wheat field a drought-ed cow society the now stands next to the final act of their admired and suicidal dead admiration. Yet still the monster in energy and horse play of they forsaking duty to ancestor above at other planets. They much upon a dim chance that knew best not to be the brightest anywhere unless to defend reality and holy post. Pray, pray hard your own get free to study and post keeping limit and bound of reality.

By Michael Pinger “Yaw!” 6/10/17

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