
Simple says it best!

Category: /Blog/Math/
substitution yields
cancels to zero as a determinate Delta important to another equation holds zero Time and motion.
11X+64Y=3 renders down to zero for two dimensional for zero Time and motion.
For 3-64Y=3 works down till by unit ways Y=1/64 presumed solution to a determinate to a greater Matrix of squares and cubes on a wrap or use of the inverse. .015625
Against Pie 3.14159...I found rounding to seven, makes the parting equal when worked out from both sides. So best use of Pie is 3.14159 and against a circle or sphere the decimal batch
Now grouping 1562 over 4157 just the four, leaves an interesting number group that relates back to the higher matrix I worked out. The 15 over 41 and the 62 over 57 fixes potential for electrical and the rest for atomic spin potential a tangent with fracture moment allows for current flow one toward left top and the other down to right. The parts of a determinate 64 are laced as second diagonal here like a binding force. It kind of proofs an equation for a determinate for unifying gravity to light I worked out.
What is interesting about Time travel past one squared at the zero if one measure the difference of that of which they found against distance where it so minutely happens one may find how far away the true center of space where all is zero no time no nothing. Then find a constant to use in greater problems while going further with accuracy. Kind of theoretical but interesting and of absolutely very little use to anyone by god's sake the one part say don't be a suck face in energy to your flesh and planet rise to higher post or parts can leave you lost and smothering mortal man staining the planet. Least and greatest and even distance can make a real big difference when Times best to be your best on our present plain of being with solid state and hope with guide to future being for certain a good simple proof saying so.
It also helps prove the universe and that the planets the atomic meat was made higher up toward the milky way and fell into and about the sun.
Interesting deductions by Michael Pinger “Yaw!” 6/21/17 another fine happy birthday to me; kinda, I guess and to the faithful.

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