
The whipping of the devil that he come to know shame!

Category: /Blog/Address/Hurt/
Well these defiling are sure perverse they haven't the sense to leave to above and molest with foul crap.
The stupid evil crap that should end its existence locked on below, being a carcass and trying to pull parts through his giant demon ill of being and address to duty and God is sure a bunch of feces to get rid of they are worse than animals. They sure are a insult to worship and reality of it all ages up until these bastards betrayed above and became. Their lack of respect and address to real being past the school Girl mortal Dish and from a sewage pond mentality with only mockery and extortion to gain intelligence from reeks of anal intent sad the size and mass of it while one a prince to be adorned with a crown for his realm Manure King is something only an Imbecile would relish. A demon Imbecile great is something to fear and never become or be; something to run from study and cast out not give into and wallow with. That is the waste of waste the insult to all intelligent being the raw tit and ugly buggers a Good Mother is not supposed to have to deal with nor common mortals with a Her Church and House whole to keep and in sync with space...you have to let go and learn not molest past all bound with a bag of energy and feces below and about mortal mankind and try to reproduce a time that isn't, but has went to peace above. Stop the negative and backward crap leave the mortals alone for Nature and Nations sake your elders your mentalities your address are far to profane and your going to harm to much future and beyond the crap displays and shows from you carcass is evil.
What a bunch of slob betrayers locked on in the elements some trying to rebirth an area for or against ones knowing better as a bunch of rouge betrayers from some deep heavy energy pocket...that is so sick and so evil I hope they stop and leave. You got to pray your own don't forsake reality and the path keeping differences between man and the heavens morons in energy pockets and sewage become to great. I pray mine leave and stay to post in space what a dirty bunch I contend with who have been given wealth of being beyond many and most...I'm glad to make it a life or death situation for all they have damaged. To betray and keep doing to the worst of ends for mortal is bad and for part other used to be unthinkable for me it still is.
By Michael Pinger “Yaw!” 6/22/17

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