
Letters about protocal!

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Dear XXX: This is what I mean about ritual steps and letters  in names...I had some real evil duds of their part other attack me. They claimed to be of the Devils that means they are of Genghis Khan the Mongol who tried to wipe out God and all math and intelligent being of Noah and his families as well priestly ones. I warned him then that I could not hide and would allow the ancient real holy ways to all as was promised. He was supposed to surrender and make right to Mongol and Mongolia but he nor his sons who did damage to China Iran Iraq India and part swept to Greece. I did what is proper so God has no faults other than he made it impossible for me to start America that has to get to ritual ways and they will in time. Just pray and that yours and such anything get to ancestors at the heavenly planets above away from ones who dove below.    

Dear Authority, Others: This is Michael As far as the common fools that dove into the planet and try to make some creature with things coming out of them or gigantic magic eye's or any feature in or from works about Hindu deity thinking they can cheat all and never rise and help keep their nation accountable in the heavens they are wrong no matter how they molest me from some pee hole in the ground....this is what families with P or even B need to keep proper in regards to the heavenly places part other than mortal should get to and ancestor proper no magic eye or they profane both "E" and the Y which stands for divine as well represent both outer houses with Mars as chair. The foolish buggers that harass me that are in energy are evil wrong to holy ways and duty.      

For a bunch who know a guy with a “P” in his name they should want to be at Neptune or Jupiter or even Mars they through school waiting for the “B” to form not in the ground being profane to the Wings of God and Angels. These are profaning the elders Baker and Bore by not going to post and keeping the schools proper they have no praying hands nor respect they at Mars or older nation s that honored prayer and went and held rightful post of which is kept at Mars by Angels and God of they already done their nations fine to ritual ways. These are completely profane to A(b)ove and they of the planet earth waiting for younger nations to complete vows. You never stay and do tricks of part other than mortal. Two “P” make a B”

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